
I have been writing children’s stories for many years. The Amazing Adventures of Skinny Finny and Super Spy Wobblebottom started as bedtime tales for my three children, Emma, Daniel and Charlie. But it wasn’t until 2013, when I decided to write a full story as a surprise Christmas present, that ‘The Crazy Christmas Caper’ was born. I got to work and was lucky to find the wonderful Curt Walstead to illustrate the antics of the troublesome twins!

I am also a proud member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) and The Golden Egg Academy. I am currently working on a middle grade dragon adventure for older children (8-12 years) which I hope to finish in late 2020. Meanwhile, a concluding story for Skinny Finny and Super Spy Wobblebottom is bubbling away nicely in the back of my brain!

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